Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Wednesday WIP

Wednesday again... and a very good one I might add. The kids behaved like angles all week giving their old mama plenty of time, sweet hubby has made cafe latte for me every morning and every night and I've done a fair amount of quilting. Doesn't get much better than that here in my casa.

This week I started a new project - KD's quilt along. If you're looking for a fast and not too difficult yet satisfying project consider joining. I'm making a 'guy' quilt and using a mixture of  (I think) really cool fabrics. Love the Kaffe Fasset squares. The piles are high but to be honest I haven't counted the pieces. I'll make more if needed as I go along. (See KD's original quilt here)

Wednesday WIP

This week I also started paper piecing again - the project stalled a bit this summer. I was considering to frame the EPP with borders but after a while realised that I wasn't done yet. So now I'm back at it... and enjoying it. It looks wrinkled here (and it is because I turn and turn it all the time) but I'm quite proud of my sewing this time. It is petite and accurate. I think once it's basted it will be really great.
Wednesday WIP

Wednesday WIP

I also started piecing my warm/cool scrap quilt. I'm halfway. It's not going fast to be honest but I enjoy it when I work on it. The wonders of the warm/cool effect still amazes me. Up cloce the individual blocks look really messy and uncordinated... and yet somehow in the big picture it works.

Wednesday WIP
Last weekend I also finished the last two blocks of the Blogger BOM resulting in this - next month will all be about piecing. Looking forward to see Jackies suggestion:
All the BOM blocks

Finally I made a few small bags - all from the really small cut offs from other project. I'm even using strips less than 1". It is so much fun making these:

Wednesday WIP
Linking up to Lee's
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 


  1. Amazing what you can turn out with scraps isn't it! Great job with the bags. The quilts are awesome too!

  2. oh my you have been busy!! i need to get a jiggle on....gorgeous quilts you have going on there.

  3. Piles of prettiness. Love LOVE LOVE the Amy Butler EPP. Awesome hubby to lend a helping hand with the cafe lattes.

  4. oooo, I am loving all your projects! That red/aqua HST quilt is super cute, I like that setting. And your BOM blocks are popping! Thanks for sharing at Lee's!

  5. Wow, talk about eye candy! I particularly love your Bloggers BOM. Must be so satisfying to have these lovelies in front of you.

  6. Everything looks great! I really love the Warm/Cool top you are working on. A lot of work going on at your place!

  7. Love the paper piecing--it's really great! You have a good eye for color.

  8. Hi Cille! Every one is so beautiful! Oh, all the quilt by EPP, that's a lot of hand sewing, but looks amazing! Warm/cool triangles goes to my list! Lovely little bags! x Teje

  9. You have been busy! I absolutely love your paper piecing, great job!
