App. 70X70 inches. Made of blocks combined from three different projects. Handquilted Bird Phoenix.
Stars with mix of fabrics from quilting group project and with embroidered personal message to Gitte. 85x85 inches:
Pattern from BASICGREY:
Kaleidescope quilt - from Stephanie Dunphys book 'Uncommenly Cordeuy'
Japanese Garden, 60x60 inches made out of Kate Spain fabrics and linen.
9 degree wedges made as 45 degree Dresden plates.

Japanese Garden, 60x60 inches made out of Kate Spain fabrics and linen.
9 degree wedges made as 45 degree Dresden plates.
King size bed quilt
made with Lark fabrics. EPP center and two border blocks from Modern Blocks.
made with Lark fabrics. EPP center and two border blocks from Modern Blocks.
LongJohns (by Stephanie @ Loftcreations) which is the to date most loved quilt in our house. Thick and very, very warm.

Roundhouse (by Tracejay) from American Quilter magazine sept. 2013 (80" x 60")
Dresden quilt in rainbow colors (80" x 60")
Baby quilt in Tula Pink's Salt
Peek-a-Boo Street from Stephanie@LoftCreations pattern and made from scraps.
60 degree equilateral quilt made in Kate Spain's Terrain fabric.
You can see how I made it here.
The back is a grey good quality fllese and batting is just plain cotton.
Scrappy warm/cold quilt
The background is super thick fleece and the batting is cotton. Thus it's a heavy, but also very warm quilt.. Everything except the batting is made from fugly fabrics and leftovers from other projects.
Quilt for DS #2 made with the softest flecce backing (and used every single day since)
Baby quilt for Bumble beans.
60 degree triangels made as hexies with Thomas Knauer's Flock:
60 degree triangels made as hexies with Thomas Knauer's Flock:
Swoon made with Kaffe Fasset fabrics:
Boxy quilt :
Sparkle Plenty (Pattern from Loft Creations)
Swoon baby quilt to teacher with childrens signatures:
Sparkle Plenty (Pattern from Loft Creations)
Diamonds quilt. Diamonds are based of a Kaffe Fasset Sashed Boxes Quilt:
Circle quilt from Moda Bakeshop based on Mod Circles Appliqued Baby Quilt:
Joel Drewberry's Pendant quilt:
Bento boxes and applique (Applique are from Material obsession books):
Stars from Moda Bakeshop:
Coming Home (from Camille Roskelly's Simplify) made in MoMo's Freebird :
Half square triangles baby quilt:
A quilt for my friend with basic shapes and appliques:
9 patch quilt in Moda Freebird:
Circle quilt (handquilted):
Disappearing 9 patch baby quilt:
Quilt made with Kaffe Fasset Jelly roll:
Lovely work.